BIG2K is the self produced EP from OkayKirk, 2kDoplr’s music alias, showing off all sides of their production, vocal range, and delivery. BIG2K came at a transitional time in 2kDoplr’s career—having their animations on Instagram start taking off in the algorithm—where they were experiencing burnout from this newfound success. Making this EP was a result of taking a short break from animation and stepping back to reevaluate their relationship with art. Emphasizing self-interest, you can hear the shaky confidence build throughout the 9 minute runtime.

‘BIG2K’ by OkayKirk cover art, 2kDoplr 2024

“One shot for yourself it don’t ever stop and if you say the wrong thing then your brain popped”

"GETGOT" is the booming intro track putting you in OkayKirk’s shoes communicating how their world opened up once they started betting on themselves—addressing the unwanted side effects of anxiety, stress, and keeping your circle tight that success brings. Acting as a thesis statement for the project, "GETGOT" has 2kDoplr addressing this murmuring confidence—one foot in and one foot out of their newfound success—all they could do is dissect and learn how to amplify this confidence. Not only publicly, but with themself first—learning to take that step to bet on their future. 

GETGOT, by OkayKirk
from the album BIG2K

"HOLDON" is the shortest track—taking up 1 minute and 15 seconds of the runtime—where we see OkayKirk stumbling over their thoughts addressing the contradicting “advice” they have been given through their career over this off-kilter piano break beat. Are your thoughts coming from yourself or the crowd of people criticizing and staring at you? Escalating with every measure, OkayKirk’s chops and beat progression coincide with the emotional emphasis building throughout the verse. "HOLDON" shows the intrapersonal battle social media brings to the creative process leading to a point where you don’t know what step to take next and who is truly influencing these decisions.

“I don’t know what I know, nothing seems that clear no more”

"IDONTKNOW" takes a welcome R&B approach to this otherwise abrasive EP—singing over smooth guitar chops and snare heavy breaks—having 2kDoplr look at their insecurities, breaking down their relationship with their work and life. Though hard work means a sacrifice of personal life—OkayKirk is aware of and acknowledges this tradeoff that self-investment brings—it’s important to find the proper balance and to remember your passions as you grow. Garnering success through art in the digital age is like a game of slots, but instead of money you’re spending your time and energy. "IDONTKNOW" & BIG2K as a whole represent that balance. 

IDONTKNOW, by OkayKirk
from the album BIG2K

"CHECKPLEASE (PAINKILLER)" is 4 minutes of gritty boom bap production with turntablism on display that shows OkayKirk rapping about their life since taking their animation career to new heights, letting the listener in on how they garnered their success and are maintaining it. "CHECKPLEASE (PAINKILLER)" also sports two features from—now defunct queer music collective—zinniagarden members, Matt240p & kit, marking the times with optimism going forward. This track is the triumphant outro to BIG2K—acting as a victory lap for the, at-the-time, recently accomplished animator. 


BIG2K originally released on February 21st 2024 and marked the moment where 2kDoplr stepped on the gas that led to their successful 2024–pushing the art of independent animation and filmmaking to new heights with the formation of Studio 2kDoplr LLC for the production of their series, “Brooklyn Broke The Universe.” I reached out to Brendan for a word about what this project means to them looking back on its anniversary:

“I made BIG2K at a point in time where I was really feeling good about my career in art in a general sense. It's around 6 months after I started growing on social media for the animations I make, and I really felt like nothing could go wrong. Since then, things would go wrong from time to time, but this project reminds me of a time where I saw it all in a much more positive light and helps me recapture that feeling if it ever fades.” -2kDoplr

BIG2K is out now everywhere with instrumentals also available on Bandcamp.

BIG2K, by OkayKirk
8 track album
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